Monday, December 9, 2013

Has the magic come yet?

We got pretty snowed in this weekend. A lot of people had to miss work on Friday because the roads were so bad -- I didn't.. boo. But even in the midst of bad weather and icy roads that kept us locked inside (whereas being locked in usually means hot cocoa, movies, wrapping gifts, etc.), I couldn't help but feel like the spirit of Christmas had not yet hit my home. This made me terribly sad as I'm certain it would've come in full force the day after Thanksgiving. My tree is up but I still don't feel like the Holiday spirit is everywhere. Not like I usually do. Maybe this week we can put lights up all around the house, put on Christmas music as loud as my iPad will play it and bake with my brand new mixer that Trey bought me, because my other mixer -- RIP Whitey -- gave out on me in July. Maybe it's because I haven't done all of the Christmasy things I normally do and that's what's bumming me out. 

Maybe it's just me.. has the magic come and gone? Hopefully not. Here's to putting up lights inside and outside of our little home and reigning in the spirit of Christmas where I feel it has not taken over. I miss you, Christmas -- come home.

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