Congratulations, all! You've nearly survived the literal flames aka Texas heat ;) (if you're here in Texas, if not - hope you're surviving your own weather conditions!) It's been a tough Summer over here at the Valencia's with the moving changes and the whole getting re-situated. I've longed for Fall to be here not only just to say we've made it to the end of Summer with no major disasters - but to say I materialistically love scarves and boots and not wanting to swear out loud and curse the heat because I can't even stand my hair on my neck from it being too hot. Is that sentence too much? Sorry. Just really excited! Can't wait to have the chance to take my camera out and show you more of our town.
I've been outside running in the heat and I can tell you, it's not a pretty sight. Lately I've been focusing on our new home and less on social media. I did, however, learn how to use Snapchat (THANKS, Sam!) and have been on that a bunch lately. I think I may (saying 'may' lightly, because all of my family is there) take a little Facebook hiatus soon. All of the media negativity and war on police is just a bit much for my heart to handle. Not to bury my head in the sand but it's enough to make me say things before I pray things - and I don't need the negative vibes entering my life or leaving my mouth. I also won't apologize for saying things I truly believe. Also, I will always 100% back up my husband who is law enforcement and anything he has to say. Standing with the blue family!
I hope this Fall is a new opportunity for you and your family. Every Fall I swear my heart does a little dance and I feel like I perk up a little bit more. There's something about the first crisp day when I get to open my windows and drink my very first cup of apple cider. I miss it all year and I always wait patiently for its return.
Happy Tuesday!
PS: I watched The Best of Me twice last night and even managed to convince Trey to watch it with me today. Be still my heart.
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