Thursday, May 28, 2015

Glass containers.

Recently I've been really into separating fruits and veggies from the store plastic bags and making sure it's all put away into glass containers. I have become a glass container buyin fool. I put my cereal in glass containers and now I'm putting my radishes and my fruit in glass for the refrigerator. I noticed with the radishes that they stayed fresh longer when I washed/rinsed and put them away as soon as I brought them home. I was able to just pull them out and slice them up when I was ready to toss them in a salad. It's just much more efficient for me since the beginning of most of my lunches are spent preparing my food. I wish I could be more like the people who meal prep on Sundays or prep their salads the night before, but I'm not. I like everything to be freshly cut or freshly cooked, so I sacrifice. 
Clean containers for my freshly washed fruit..and radishes ;)
Yum.. those radishes
Bev taught me a neat little trick where you can poke a straw through the bottom of the strawberry and it sort of pops the stem right off. Was so excited about this. A lot of you probably already knew how to do this, but I didn't. And I was like a kid at Christmas. 

So maybe I felt a little like Blake Lively with my clear bowl of fruit. So, what?! 
Happy Thursday, all!

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