Hello, everyone.
How was your weekend?
Mine was filled with bachelorette things.
My friend, Holly, is getting married in exactly 5 days! So this weekend we spent time at her sisters a little ways from home and did some not so typical bachelorette party things, which was okay with me!
We had a tacky pj contest. Sadly my 90's Christmas-y flannel dress did not win, tacky as it was.. but Bev did win. That was super cute ;) her panda fleece dress was just too tacky (cute) to deny.
Mostly the weekend was sitting around with all of Holly's best friends, most being people I've known for a good chunk of my life. It was very low-key and very Holly. Her sister Jenny is in the process of starting her own catering company, so every kind of food you can think of (with the exception of Bev's dip that Holly loves) she made from scratch. She's kind of amazing. We celebrated Holly's last weekend as a Hawkins by just being together with her. We played a game called Head's Up on our other friend Brit's phone and that was about the extent of the night. We're a bunch of serious party animals ;)
We each took a walk down memory lane and told funny stories we've had with Holly and then not much after we were putting down mattresses on Jenny's floor and we were asleep.
The next morning genuinely wouldn't have been complete without my coffee in this particular mug. I feel like I end up saying 'y'all' more than I mean to. Lately I've tried to be careful and say 'you all', to not sound so Southern but sometimes you just can't help it, y'all. And then I had my favorite devo while waiting for all of the girls to wake up.
This devotional is Joseph Prince that you can find HERE. My friend, Angela, introduced me to it and I actually just use the bible app on my phone that also includes this devo. It's free to download!
So there you have it. A low-key, Holly Bachelorette party.
I'm excited for you, Hol! Can't wait to be by your side as you marry your guy next weekend :)
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