One of the reasons I was so excited about the stain on our kitchen table was for the rare moments I would be keeping fresh flowers on it. I hate that it's rare because I live for fresh flowers sitting in the middle of the kitchen table. It reminds me of my mom and I love it that much more for that reason. For those of you keeping up with our kitchen table, we still haven't found the chairs we love. We've been hanging on to plastic ones we've borrowed from our church until we've found the ones we just can't live without. I hope that's soon because plastic is so uncomfortable! Also, excuse the tools and paperwork everywhere. At least you know the house is lived in! ;)
Fresh flowers from Beverly. I love when you come stay with me, Bev. The beautiful flowers and yummy food is making me want to kidnap you and never let you go back! Trying to convince Bev to stay with us. What if we convert the guest room to something Victorian?! Will you stay then?! The verdicts out, maybe she will come around!
Bev's pork chops. Mmm.
My Saltwater Sandals that I ordered last Wednesday finally came in! Trey tried to hide them from me so he could see the surprised look on my face instead of getting to open them by myself. I've wanted these sandals for so long. My favorite blogger referenced them in an older post and I've wanted them ever since I started reading her blog. Guys, they're super comfortable - I already love them and want to wear them everywhere. I may just sleep in them!
I hope y'all have had a great week so far. Hang in there!
Two more days and then freedom.
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