Christmas 2010
Christmas 2009
I always giggle a little when I see these pictures. I feel like I was two totally different people even between the years. And what's funny -- I don't even remember who I was trying to be then! At 23, I still don't know who I am, though I think it's kind of fun to learn as I go instead of being an angsty teen. I love looking back through pictures. Every year my hair is different, either it's incredibly long or it's incredibly short. I suppose this year it just had to be short! I always feel like it's a game my hair plays -- it's out to get me! I do love being back to brunette even though most days I want to try a good ombre in blonde. I guess we can never just be satisfied can we? ;)
I'm really happy to say that the first picture above was taken with the digital camera Trey bought me that Christmas. My very first, very own Canon camera (the quality is bad because I had to take it from my old blog where it was posted small). I still have it and I still adore it. I have my birthday one at home at my bedside and I still fight the urge to take it with me every single place I go. I may live in a small, quiet town but I always tell myself something magical is going to happen -- I just know it! So, sometimes, I try not to fight the urge to leave it at home. I'm also incredibly nervous still that something will happen and it'll get dropped or damaged. You're probably thinking, oh brother. Yes, I still think that, too.
I just couldn't believe Christmas is ONE week away. I'm so thrilled. This weekend my house will get prepped for our Christmas lunch. I can hardly wait. There is still so much shopping to do! I hope you're as excited as I am. Or even more excited than I seem to be conveying in this post.
Though I am happy for Christmas to come and New Years to roll around, I am a little sad. Where in heaven did 2013 go? One minute I was telling you I desperately wanted to make my mark on the world and here I am, a few dozen posts later, saying I'm entering my 2nd year in blog world with all of you wonderful people. I'm surely thankful to have my very own little Texas corner.. even if I am in the middle of the map. I sure love you all, whoever is reading this. Just know that the reason for this season is the reason I love you so!
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